

Sunday, 20 January 2013

~ Krista block 15, 16 litter blocks and 30 african daisies

Krista block 15
Still using Panda's "magnum soft" acrylic yarn (in butter) I made block 15 of the Krista throw. If you want to see the different colours its listed here:

This block was so pleasant and super easy. It starts off with an eight petal flower in the centre - and then grows very quickly into a granny square pattern.

Its even lovely from the back you can see how the flower evolves into the good old granny square so familiar and loved.

If you're looking for the patterns - they are free and via the link:

16 squares for a fun cause
The Creative Crochet Crew invited crochet artists to participate in making a QSR Code from granny squares. This is a similar project to the one they ran for the Arts Hub QSR competition toward the end of last year.
So I've had the privilege of making 16 little white squares which will form part of the QSR border and  I'm so excited that I can be part of this collaboration.

In order to keep them flat I joined them with a slip stitch through the back loops only - this is one of my favourite joins as it looks like its been weaved together.

If you're wondering - the Creative Crochet Crew is a facebook community where a love of crochet is at the heart of the group - a great place to visit for fun and inspiration. If you want to see their page its right via this link:
African daisy update

Sofar I have 30 hexies in various stages of completion. Its still my aim to join them into a blanket and list it on Etsy. By the end of this week I'm comfortable that I will have all 30 hexies lined with the dark blue borders and ready for assembly into a blanket.

I wonder if it will look nice if I start it as a field of daisies - then have a thick band of the dark blue before adding a rim  of daisies again -- OR perhaps I should just have them all form a daisy blanket.

Time will tell how this evolves - its wonderful to be inspired I can't wait to see how this blanket develops - I'm letting it guide me as I go.

Well that's my crochet story this week - warm pixie smiles coming your way. xo

Sunday, 13 January 2013

african daisy progress

No Krista block this week - instead I've been focusing on makings some african daisies for the blanket I would like to list on Etsy.

Sofar I've made a good start for the blanket and though I'm not quite as far as I would have hoped am pretty excited that this has the potential to be truly lovely - I hope whoever gets it will enjoy it as much as I have loved making it.

At this stage my big worry is which price to list it at - list it too high and it might not sell. List it too low and people might not trust the quality. Maybe I should list it low as an introductory offer as this will be my first Etsy listing and then take it from there.

A progress pic:

Other projects I have committed to this week include making a blanket for the Hamlin Fistula Organisation; making headbands for children with cancer; and also became part of a group of ladies who are crocheting a QR code as a group effort.

I'll keep you posted on these over the next two or three weeks. In the meantime I would really appreciate your feedback on how much you think I should list the African daisy baby blanket for.

That's it for show and tell this week - have a wonderful week with warm pixie smiles coming your way, xo

Sunday, 6 January 2013

~Show and tell...

...Krista block 14
As you know I'm doing a block a week towards what is called the "Krista throw" - and this week I made the block for Week 14.

It starts of as a granny square - but instead of being worked in the round all the way it has the first two rows in the round and then expands outward via two of the four sides. The effect is quite unusual in that it expands outward to the top right from starting as a cross-like structure bottom left.
It would be interesting to make that initial squarer in a different colour to the rest of the block - and for the next one I might do that. This blocks for this throw will be a solid colour - its called "butter" and is made by Panda wool in their "magnum soft" range.
If you're looking for the Krista patterns - they are free and via the link:
And a standard reminder that there is a Facebook group for the Krista throw. Like-minded crocheters who participated in the original Spotlight promotion as well as others who joined later on and I have found these ladies willing to share their experiences when constructing their own Kristas.

...Started another project - African daisies

With so many ideas to get my Etsy store up and running I have decided to make a daisy blanket using the African daisy or Somalian daisy pattern. The pattern seems to be pretty standard and freely available throughout the web - I just did a quick Google search for "african daisy crochet pattern" and it returned with 101,000 hits!
I have always loved daisies and having it against a blue backdrop to symbolise the sky is so beautiful - this is how it evolves from yellow circle to daisy hexagon granny square:

And look, I've made a start! Next time round you should ask me if I managed to complete it and list it on Etsy yet, that is my target for next week.
That's it for show and tell this week - have a wonderful week with warm pixie smiles coming your way, xo