

Sunday, 7 October 2012

A block, another facebook group, ideas for charity toys

Sofar I am still able to make a block a week - here's what block 4 looks like:
This one was super easy and took less than 1/2 hour to make!
Joined another group on facebook!
I found the coolest group on facebook - its a granny square exchange and though specific to Australia I'd like to share the concept.
You participate in making a granny square block of 4 inches (10cm) across - and then yours as well as the granny squares made by others are exchanged anonymously. In this manner you build up a granny square blanket - and even though you don't know who contributed a particular granny square you know that it was made by like-minded people and with love!
A secret society... with benefit to only those in it... mmmm, I think I might be part of the "crocherati" now ha ha ha!
For this I found the cutest popcorn granny square tuturial. It follows the same method as for a normal granny square, but each segment is made out of a popcorn stitch. It is super cute and is called "Crochet Geek - Crochet Granny Square Puff Stitch 5 Rounds".
If you want to see the tutorial as well here is the link:
Secret Santa
Another project I'm participating in is the "Secret Santa" game. Also anonymously gifts are exchanged within the group. The rules are simple - it has to be handmade (and with love of course!) and within a set price range - usually not in excess of around $10.
For this I found the coolest idea - it is a crochet bath puff that is made out of cotton. And as it just so happens I recently bought some cotton yarn at the Wool Mill... a plan is born!

Sorry if I'm your secret santa and you're reading this - but I found the idea at:

Toys for charity

Toys for charity is high on my Christmas list as well and I've mentioned the koala amigurumi I would like to try. It will be my first amigurumi but I'm not too worried as the link not only includes the pattern but also a tutorial.

See it at:

Ok I'm going to commit to making one this week, in addition to the next block in my Krista throw. Am all excited now - a little personal challenge!

Time for me to drag the bones off to bed - have a very good week
- warm pixie smiles coming your way. xo -

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