Yay I'm better. I think I had this year's flu and its been a tough one - good luck to anyone out there going through it at the moment, hang in there!
Projects on the go
I needed to take stock of all the WIPs - that would be works in progress - I have going at the moment, and make a list of causes I made promises to - and I am not allowing myself to take anything new on-board until I have delivered on all of them. They are - in no order other than the order I'm remembering them in.
1.\ Granny Square for the next round of the Secret Granny Square exchange (tick, but can't show it to you as its a secret :o( ... I will show you the ones I receive when they get here)
2.\ A couple of granny squares for the blanket being made for the fistula hospital in Ethiopia
3.\ A couple of granny squares for one of the Crocherati ladies who is compiling a blanket for friends of hers in Queensland who have been affected by the recent weather events (tick, here is a photo of the squares I'm sending)
4.\ One border row as part of the Creative Crochet Crew's QR code project (tick, I mailed this earlier the week and it has been received)
5.\ A couple of headbands for another Crocherati cause towards kids with cancer
6.\ As part of an outreach a couple of hearts to one of the Crocherati ladies
7.\ FIVE gifts as part of anew group I belong to where you make a gift as part of a "pass it forward" initiative.
8.\ Finish the lovely daisy blanket so I can list it on Etsy.
Here is a photo showing that the joining has started! This is going to be smashing when its done, love the colours sofar.
More to do about Daisy...
So many wonderful things to do with the African Daisy - on my list is this lovely handbag via the below link. Not only does it come with detailed instructions and layout information, but the entire pattern and instruction sheet is free. Enjoy.
Warm pixie smiles coming your way, xo
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